The lost history of mysterious scripts in Europe

Hand of Irulegi

Is the inscription a message in Basque or an advanced formula to describe the meditation system taught by the Buddha?

Hand of Irulegi
evidence of a lost history

Is the Hand of Irulegi, a life-sized brass plate the shape of a hand (80-72 BC) the missing link that can connect several mysterious abstract writing systems in Europe?
Were the glyphs as used in the scripts coded formulas to explain knowledge about the mind, the 6th sense, rather than crude messages written by illiterate people?

Can this abstract “language of the heart” still be interpreted after 2,000 years?
The inscription on the Hand of Irulegi reveals the link between the early 6th-century BC Phaistos Disk and Liner A and B Clay tablets made in Crete and the later phase Ogham and Rune alphabets used from the 4th to 14th century in northern Europe by meditators to write carefully composed votive messages, a period of up to 1,800 years.
The network of knowledge about phenomena as practiced in Europe was forgotten when people stopped meditating.

Was the Hand of Irulegi with inscription found in Navarre, Spain written in Basque or is it a meditation diagram to describe Four Noble Truths as taught by the Buddha?

Basque Hand of Irulegi:
the missing link between old and new?

The Phaistos Disk of Crete is the original master key with 47 numbers used as ideograms.
Was there a transition phase in the development of the runes, used until the 13th century?

On the Hand of Irulegi complex glyphs similar to Linear A and B clay tablets of Crete explain advanced meditation techniques, the upright position the Abhaya mudra of peace, the 4 rows of 39 glyphs a meditator’s path to attain 4 Noble Truths as taught by the Buddha.
An inscription with similar symbols on the Newton Stone in Scotland is evidence of the transition phase with Ogham but before the Elder Futhark runes were developed.

Hand of Irulegi 80 BC: Roquepertuse France 500 BC prototype for Buddha statues?

Hand of Irulegi, a transition phase: Abhaya mudra of peace, 4 rows glyphs 4 Noble Truths, 

Hand of Zafar Yemen: bass hand with 6 rows Ancient South Arabian

Newton Stone Scotland transition phase RIGHT side 13 lines:  6 rows of glyphs and 7 Ogham, LEFT side 22 ogham symbols

Did Dante himself meditate, saying “But my own wings were not strong enough for this”  ?
[Dante Divine Comedy Paradise Canto 33 line 139 translation Henry W Longfellow] 

Dante as eyewitness:
knowledge of the various scripts in Europe

14th century Dante in the Divine Comedy described “the adversary” in Paradise Canto 19:
“…His goodness represented by an I,
While the reverse an M shall represent;
.. And to declare how pitiful he is
Shall be his record in contracted letters
Which shall make note of much in little space.”
[Dante Divine Comedy Paradise Canto 19 lines 128…135 translation Henry W Longfellow]
The main glyph on the Hand of Irulegi was the “M”
later used as the 19th rune “ᛖ named horse”.

Number 13: lucky or unlucky?

On many objects no. 13 played an essential role: to cut the rebirth link.
With investigation of 12 Dependent Origination factors to see the chain of existence as Causes and Effects a meditator ends craving to cut the rebirth link rune 13 ᛇ.

Phaistos Disk glyph 13 field 13: to end attachment and to cut the rebirth link “13 ᛇ”

Hand Irulegi 2nd row 13 glyphs: Second Noble Truth to see Causes of Suffering

The Hand of Irulegi has 3 lines (Three Trainings) and 4 rows of glyphs (Four Noble Truths).
Dante copied the basic structure but in the new version the final goal is eternal life.
Dante chose 4 guides on the journey to salvation in 3 realms: Hell, Purgatory, Paradise: 1st Poet Virgil (64 Cantos), 2nd Roman poet Statius (14 Cantos), 3rd lady Beatrice (33 Cantos as guide plus the final 3 Cantos seated in Heaven: 37) and 4th St Bernard (final 3 Cantos in Heaven).

Hand Irulegi and Dante’s Divine Comedy: symbolism of main themes compared

Dante Divine Comedy
final stanza 13 lines:  “geometrician to  square the circle”

Hand of Irulegi, a Mathematical Formula
to calculate existence in samsara: Infinity ∞

On the Hand of Irulegi (80-72 BC) symbols to illustrate the life cycle and investigation of a meditator, the “geometrician who endeavours to square the circle” as described by Dante (14th century) reveals the origin of the expression “to square ☐  the circle ◯”.
The mathematical ratio first described by Archimedes in the 3rd century BC of “pi”, the number 3.14285 . . . ∞ infinity was used as a simile to describe the cycle ◯ of endless life in samsara.
On the Phaistos Disk the numbers 22 (tree) represented the Buddha as teacher on how to cut the roots of the tree of life, through practice of Seven Stages of Purification (house ☐ no. 7) as symbols to attain liberation from rebirth (infinity ∞) the small axe will be used to cut the roots (16th Greek letter pi Π), Sixteen Vipassanā Insight Knowledges.

Mathematical formula to calculate infinity

 Hand of Irulegi: multiple layers of
“knowledge about phenomena”

The Hand of Irulegi was designed following the series of numbers on the Phaistos Disk as main instructions, then 11 different shapes of letters “N M F etc.” were used as structures to carry 16 different types of dotted clusters, used as “mathematical formulas” to explain advanced meditation techniques to attain Four Noble Truths, as taught by the Buddha.

Analysis level 1
Number of each glyph
Phaistos Disk theory as structure

Analysis level 2
Shape of each glyph basic instructions, like chapter headings

Analysis level 3 
Number of dots detailed instructions  meditation teacher

Analysis level 4
Example of combinations used to create a network of knowledge

Iberian Peninsula and Kingdom of Iberia

The Hand of Irulegi is an example of the transition phase from early Linear A and B clay tablets of Greece to simplified abstract Ogham and Rune scripts used in Northern Europe from 400 CE.
The complex symbols used as ideograms on the Hand of Irulegi were later simplified to design the Elder Futhark rune script.
A handmade fragment of the Phaistos Disk found in Georgia/Russia is evidence that the information was known globally and how it traveled with traders to Scandinavia.