The Meditation System Explained
“Sketch of an Excellent Man”

Original meditation system taught by the Buddha

Based on the original Pali scriptures the original meditation methods are still taught both as theory at university level and as practical meditation techniques, taught step-by-step in select monasteries, unchanged after 2,500 years. On the chart below the techniques were listed for meditators at the monastery to be able to remember a great deal of theory easily, at a glance. The same was done in Europe when objects were designed as a visual aid – the Gundestrup Cauldron is perhaps the most complete example with the most detail. The cauldron was dated to 93-143 AD through scientific research sponsored by the National Museum of Denmark – the era when Trajan and Hadrian were emperors of Rome. Hadrian redesigned the Pantheon that burnt down using the same numbers and when completed in 125 AD it resembled a massive three-dimensional meditation diagram: an “eye to see the truth of existence”. The same series of numbers (reportedly the mystic numbers of Pythagoras) were described c. 120 AD by his collaborator Plutarch (Neoplatonic philosopher and priest in Delphi) in an essay , “On the ‘E’ at Delphi”, where each paragraph matches the definitions that were later used to design the Elder Futhark rune alphabet. The meaning of this one series of very specific numbers that was repeatedly used in Europe for up to 1,700 years was forgotten, but when comparing the numbers it appears to have been meticulously copied from the meditation system originally taught by the Buddha, that is still practiced unchanged. This knowledge can bring about a radical change in the understanding of the lost links of European history and culture. In the documentary the information is explained by a master meditation teacher, made more accessible for westerners through illustrations and diagrams. * Note chart below with rune equivalents, other runes relate to instructions.

In support of the 2,500-years old meditation techniques originally taught by the Buddha

Sketch of an Excellent Man

Pa Auk Tawya Meditation Monastery
DOCUMENTARY: 1h43 minutes
Available in 14 languages

In the Pa Auk Forest Monastery in Myanmar over a thousand people from all over the world are first taught 40 concentration techniques to be able to analyse the ultimate realities of Mind and Matter (Nāma and Rūpa) at subatomic particle level by “their own direct experience”.

They then proceed to practise Dependent Origination and Insight Meditation (Vipassanā) as described in the “Path of Purification” (Visuddhi Magga), a 1,500 year old summary of the Pāli texts: the legacy of the profound practical knowledge as originally taught by Gotama the Buddha.

For people in search of the truth it can be a life changing experience to learn about “the wisdom light” produced by a concentrated mind found in the heart base – the sixth sense – described in detail.

Rare footage of the Most Venerable Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw explaining Vipassanã and Dependent Origination in English, illustrated by an artist/architect (watercolour, animation) make this subtle and profound knowledge enjoyable to watch even by non practitioners.

 In the Pa Auk Forest Monastery in Myanmar over a thousand people from all over the world are first taught 40 concentration techniques to be able to analyse the ultimate realities of Mind and Matter (Nāma and Rūpa) at subatomic particle level by “their own direct experience”. They then proceed to practise Dependent Origination (Paticca-samuppāda) and Insight Meditation (Vipassanā) as described in the “Path of Purification” (Visuddhi Magga), a 1,500 year old summary of the Pāli texts: the legacy of the profound practical knowledge as originally taught by Gotama the Buddha. For people in search of the truth it can be a life changing experience to learn about “the wisdom light” produced by a concentrated mind found in the heart base – the sixth sense – described in detail.

Rare footage of the Most Venerable Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw explaining Vipassanã and Dependent Origination in English, illustrated by an artist/architect (watercolour, animation) make this subtle and profound knowledge enjoyable to watch even by non practitioners.

(Setti Wessels Myanmar 2015)

Link to documentary Youtube

“The Buddha was a teacher with an open hand…”
Overview of Meditation techniques

Pa Auk Forest Monastery:
Meditating in Myanmar under guidance of teachers trained by the most Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, based on Pali texts in the Tripitaka (Tipiṭaka in Pali): Vinaya, Suttas and Abhidhamma. One of the main sources is a 5th-century Commentary, the Visuddhi Magga – Path of Purification – a meditation manual written in Sri Lanka. 40 traditional concentration techniques described in the Visuddhi Magga are taught, this path of Samatha training leads to deep concentration. When nāma (mind) and rúpa (matter) can be discerned, “Cause and Effect” is taught  to observe past lives to see how kamma is the Cause of present and future life: Dependent Origination (Paticca-Samuppãda), followed by Vipassanã: to observe the Truth as it is.

40 meditation techniques to develop concentration that the Buddha taught 
10 Kasinas – colored disks
10 Asubha – loathsome objects
10 Anussati – recollections
4 Brahma-vihãras – “sublime state of living”
4 Arúpa – immaterial spheres
Ãhãre-patikúla-saññã – loathsomeness of food
Catu-dhãtu-vavatthãna-kammatthãna – four great elements
Followed by the analysis of mind and materiality, Dependent Origination and Vipassanā.

For more information

Pa Auk Sayadaw Vipassanā

Part 1 of public talks recorded in Korea to explain the meditation system, with English subtitles.

Pa Auk Sayadaw Dependent Origination

Part 2 of public talks recorded  in Korea to explain the meditation system, with English subtitles.