Language systems linked to Linear A and Linear B clay tablets in Crete to explain meditation?

Plato Dante: Ancient South Arabian Runestones

Were Scandinavian Runestones directly linked to Ancient South Arabian Stelae made between 100 BC-200AD?

Plato Dante:
Ancient South Arabian Runestones

The Ancient South Arabian inscriptions found on stelae in Yemen are mostly identical to the Elder Futhark rune stones in Sweden. Were both systems developed from Linear A and Linear B clay tablets in Crete?
Can the engraved stones in Yemen be proof that the meditation system as taught by the Buddha reached Europe and was practiced from Arabia to Scandinavia for up to 1,900 years?
If it sounds like imagination, the witness is poet Dante who described the history in great detail in his famous text, the Divine Comedy.


Elder Futhark and Pict stones 
origin Ancient South Arabian

Were the Elder Futhark runes in Scandinavia and Pict stones in Scotland influenced by the Ancient South Arabian script in Yemen?
Was the script in Arabia first developed from drawings on Linear A and Linear B in Crete before designers “borrowed” the symbols to design new ways to explain meditation?

Origin of Pictish beast Awwam: fish and river glyphs, concentration

Temple of Awwam: inscription on sanctuary wall dedicated to moon god

Pict river and mirror symbols, origin Arabian glyphs

Pictish beast: absorption concentration

Ancient South Arabian on rune stones in Sweden

When the most famous Rök Runestone of Sweden was designed 1,500 years after the Buddha (956 CE), several original South Arabian glyphs were used again as a homage to design 28 rune lines: the 28 ‘named Buddhas’, 16 lines (Vipassanā Insight Knowledges), Cause and Effect and Ten Dhammas: the study that leads to final liberation, Nibbāna.

Awwam Stele Mahib dedicated to a moon god 

Rök Runestone c. 956 CE Sweden codes translated 

Petra and the Frankincense trade with India:
proof that Romans  were meditators?

Caesar Augustus said his greatest achievement was peace, the Temple of war Janus in Rome was closed 3 times under his rule, he maintained a Roman roads network from Scotland to the mouth of the Ganges in India.
Was Caesar Augustus a meditator, fully aware of the Buddha’s teachings?
Coin of Arabia Felix, Happy Arabia: the head of Augustus and the Athenian Owl is evidence that the Romans practiced dialectics of philosophy, a brass hand from Zafar with the abhaya mudra of peace, an image used for Buddha statues.

Hand of Zafar: missing link between runes and Linear A in Crete

Happy Arabia: Coin Augustus and Athenian Owl