Illustrated text with detailed translation of the Phaistos Disk

Did Pythagoras make the Phaistos Disk?

Was the Phaistos Disk found in Crete made in 1700 BC?

Pythagoras (c. 580-500 BC) was a most influential teacher in Europe, visited by important rulers from abroad, as described by Roman Porphyry in Life of Pythagoras 800 years later. His teachings of metempsychosis – investigation of past lives to obtain wisdom – were taught by the Buddha (624-544 BC) as Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppāda) and described in Pali texts. The techniques are still taught unchanged after 2,500 years both as theory at universities and as practical meditation techniques. Were the “mystic numbers” of philosopher Pythagoras – who loved wisdom – actually the same numbers used to summarise the meditation system of the Buddha Gotama in India?

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Did Pythagoras
make the Phaistos Disk?

Was the Phaistos Disk of Crete made by Pythagoras in the 6th century BC?
Pythagoras (c. 580–500 BC) was a contemporary of the Buddha Gotama (624 – 544 BC) in India, he was about 36 years old when the Buddha entered parinibbāna, he may even have met the Buddha in person.

If his teachings of “metempsychosis” (knowledge of past lives), was based on Dependent Origination as taught by the Buddha, the symbols on the Phaistos disk and the Linear A and Linear B scripts found in Crete were fluid hand-drawn “ideograms” used to teach meditation, step by step. The flaw of linguists was to attempt to compare the freehand images to Greek and Latin, the “more sophisticated alphabets”, When found the tablets were dated by early archeologists with limited knowledge to the Bronze Age, their views remained the norm, resulting in an interpretation of history that may be seriously flawed.

If the images were not phonetic glyphs but ideograms that represented concepts related to meditation practices they were used to teach meditation, parallel to Greek and Latin. It took a thousand years before a set of favourite images were chosen as a summary to represent a recognisable alphabet of ideograms, the rune alphabets. Summarised as 24 symbols of the Elder Futhark, 16 symbols of the Younger Futhark and 28 symbols of the Anglo-Saxon Futhork, each number represented the higher concepts used in formal Buddhist theory: 24 Paṭṭhāna factors, Sixteen Insight Knowledges and 28 named Buddhas. The rune alphabets were used to write votive messages and teach concepts related to meditation as taught by the Buddha, applied on thousands of standing stones and other objects.

There was the one teacher in Greece who is still famous, who used numbers to establish the foundations of European culture, found both in mathematics and music: Pythagoras. His teachings based on “mystic numbers” are thought to be lost to the world, but the numbers are still known as it was used to design objects, including the famous Pantheon in Rome. Is there a way to “relink” the numbers and to discover the original meaning that was not lost, but forgotten?

The numbers of Pythagoras that are still known can be directly related to the numbers used in summaries of the meditation system. Numbers and codes found on countless numbers of famous objects and treasures of Europe not only coincide with the numbers of Pythagoras, but are exactly the same as the numbers that are still used to teach the system of meditation, originally taught by the Buddha.

With application of concepts used to teach the meditation system to analyse objects, the footprint of Pythagoras can be traced from Crete to Scandinavia during a period of 1,700 years. Evidence is found of high quality meditation practices that were taught by a long lineage of teachers, of whom the Greek mathematician Pythagoras was one of the earliest and most famous in Europe. In Egypt he learnt the skills of using symbols not only for writing text, but also as “parable and metaphor”, an indication that the abstract symbols and images used to illustrate meditation originated with him.

Using this possibility as a starting point the lost history of meditation as taught by Pythagoras is explored and described in the text that has as main focus the Phaistos disk: a diagram used to teach the system of meditation that was originally taught by the Buddha.

All contents is the personal view of the author.

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Were the “mystic numbers of Pythagoras lost
– or only forgotten?

Phaistos Disk side A

Phaistos Disk side B

Pythagoras taught metempsychosis to his students who visited him in his cave, even to visitors from far, Romans and Picenians (Porphyry, Life of Pythagoras). The technique to observe past lives to develop wisdom was first taught by the Buddha in India. Was the Phaistos Disk a meditation diagram to teach enlightenment? Were the 12 fields based on 12 Dependent Origination factors as taught by the Buddha between 588-544 BC?

Phaistos Disk with 12 fields:
Dependent Origination factors

Field 13: lucky or unlucky ?
Access into the world of concentration to cut the cycle of rebirth: liberation.

In the text an analysis of the Phaistos disk was illustrated in great detail to expose the relationship with knowledge contained in Pali texts, which are still taught at universities and as meditation techniques in a few monasteries – unchanged after 2,500 years. The relationship with other famous objects such as the Warrior of Capestrano, Chieftain of Hochdorf and Prince of Glauberg are exposed to illustrate how widespread the teachings of Pythagoras was, his knowledge based on the meditation system originally taught by the Buddha after his enlightenment 588 to 544 BC.

Prince of Glauberg   –   Phaistos Disk   –    Warrior of Capestrano

Phaistos disk made by Pythagoras?

A short video clip with animated text
to illustrate the links between objects.

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Pict stones of Scotland
Video of animated text

The Pict stones reveal the knowledge of local people about how the sixth sense, the mind, works. Abstract symbols were used since the 6th century BC to make exceptional monuments to the concentrated mind that is expressed as fleeting rays of light (Maeshowe), as winged horses or birds to observe objects at a distance and as fishes “diving into materiality” to observe the truth of existence inside the body, following methods originally taught by the enlightened Buddha Gotama. For a period of at least 1,700 years – from the 6th century BC when Maeshowe was built until the 13th century when over 30 rune inscriptions were made inside the tomb by the Old Norse Vikings – various nationalities lived together peacefully. They meditated in “man-made caves” in Scotland: brochs, souterrains and earth houses. The Pict stones were made as votive stones, or perhaps as “sign boards” for travellers to find remote locations where people meditated. Evidence of the symbols on the stones make clear that they practiced advanced meditation techniques, aligned to the system of meditation originally taught by the Buddha in India.