Overview of the development of the “secret scripts” in Europe:
Ogham, hand signs, Elder Futhark Runes, Anglo-Saxon Runes

Ogham, Runes and the
Phaistos Disk in Ireland

Was the Ogham script in Ireland developed from hand signs that were used since the 6th century BC?

Ogham Hand Signs Scandinavian Runes:
key to the Phaistos Disk and Numbers of Pythagoras (version 140422)

1,800 years of meditation in Europe was expressed by various “secret scripts” developed from hand signs used in the 6th century BC, first expressed as drawings on Linear A and Linear B clay tablets used on in Greece until finally expressed by simplified abstract shapes as the Ogham in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and on Islands of Orkney. The same system was expressed by the Elder Futhark Runes alphabet in Scandinavia. The development of the “secret scripts” is seen at the mounds of the Brú na Bóinne in Ireland: Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth.. The master key to translate inscriptions in the Phaistos Disk of Crete, possibly designed by Pythagoras.

PDF download Ogham version14022 

Ogham hand signs, Scandinavian Runes: key to the Phaistos Disk & numbers of Pythagoras

Mysterious objects in Europe that cannot be explained by archaeologists and scholars belonged  to a shared network of subtle knowledge that can still be explained. There was a clear  link between “secret scripts” found on objects as diverse as clay tablets in Greece, golden coins minted by the Celts and inscriptions on massive stones: they were all designed to explain concentration. After the enlightenment of the Buddha in India he became very famous and many people all over the world started practicing meditation. When aware of the meditation system, the  abstract and figurative  images on objects can still be analysed and translated, because one series of numbers was used as short codes with which to write votive messages and to make visual notes. These images could be used to teach students – to help them memorise and understand the meditation techniques as taught by the Buddha, centuries before writing was in common use.

The Master key: 47 symbols
on the Phaistos Disk of Crete

A mysterious 15 cm oval-shaped clay tablet with 47 different symbols pressed into wet clay was found in a hidden basement that was plastered over at the ruins of a large building in Crete. Was it a Neolithic palace as described by 19-20th century archaeologists excavating the sites at Knossos, Phaistos and Mycenae – or was the building still in continuous use even until the 5th century as a learning centre, before it was finally destroyed?

Did Pythagoras, the first to call himself a philosopher – one who loves wisdom – make the Phaistos Disk?

Did Pythagoras design the clay tablet with 47 symbols found in Crete as a tool that could be used to explain the meditation system to students? Pythagoras learnt language and writing skills in Babylonia and Egypt and taught “metempsychosis”, the Greek equivalent of Dependent Origination that was originally taught by the Buddha in India.
Confusion was caused by Western scholars in the early 20th century when they changed the date of the Buddha’s birth (624-544 BC) to 61 years later, the result was that nobody ever noticed that Pythagoras (580-500 BC) was younger than the Buddha. It is historically possible that Pythagoras and other Greeks from Ionia met the Buddha in person, referred to as “Yonakas” in Pali texts. Using his skills as linguist, who studied the art of cuneiform writing by pressing into wet clay in Babylonia and hieroglyphs in Egypt, he was probably the person who developed “visual systems of numbers” that was eventually used in Europe until the 12th century to explain the meditation system. Pythagoras, the first to call himself a philosopher – “one who loves wisdom” – is still famous as a Greek philosopher and mathematician in the 21st century.

An summary of the meaning of the images on the Phaistos Disk: a complex meditation diagram with multiple layers of knowledge – a tool to teach students not limited by language barriers.
Animated text clip, no sound.

The “secret code”: only one series of numbers was repeatedly used on objects, big and small

The images can be recognised by their numbers: the codes were used in the same order as a kind of “shorthand” for up to 1,800 years to write messages in different countries where they used different local styles and materials, but the symbolic meaning was never changed.

Ramsund and Gök rune stones Sweden PDF download here

Linear A clay tablet Crete and Ramsund stone Sweden

  The drawings on the Linear A clay tablet from Crete in the  6th century BC of the
”hanging man” has the same meaning as the carving on the massive Ramsund stone  of the 10-11th century in Sweden, the image was also portrayed by the 16th rune of the Elder Futhark and Younger Futhork  alphabets, the ᛋ and ᛦ runes. The “hanging man” was used as proof that the Norse, the Danes and the Vandals from Sweden, later called Vikings, were bloodthirsty killers,  but the image is not violent. The  man hanging on the tree of life, the fruit of his own kamma, was an instruction to meditators that they had to turn all their conventional expectations upside-down if they wanted to tame their mind. The natural law of Cause and Effect  states that bad actions will  automatically bear the fruits that will result in a bad quality life. The “hanging man” was an image of a mental warrior fighting his inner defilements with the “sword of wisdom”.

Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Ireland: to illustrate the cycle of birth, ageing and death

The coded numbers of the Phaistos Disk were systematically applied to design more than 400 engraved stones at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Ireland. They illustrated the meditation system through the use of abstract visual images (ideograms) that can still be recognised and analysed. The highly abstract engravings can still be translated by investigating the numbers that form the foundation of each image, because the source of their knowledge never changed.

Kerbstones Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth

 The one series of numbers as used on the Phaistos Disk was repeatedly reused to design knowledge of how the mind, the 6th sense, works – whether investigating small objects  with the concentrated mind during concentration, or when illustrating massive oversized objects  by illuminating engravings with the use of beams of sunlight – the meaning stayed the same.

kerbstone 1

kerbstone 52

kerbstone 15

kerbstone 51 

Images with complex ogham and rune inscriptions at Newgrange and Knowth, but also the old Irish High Cross located in Manx, can be successfully analysed using the definitions based on the series of numbers, an indication that the early crosses were not made by Christians as thought, but were symbols used from as early as the 6th century BC by philosophers to illustrate the investigation of the cycle of rebirth in samsara – the “dialectics of philosophy” – until the 12th century when expressed as the runes, the “ogham of the Norsemen”, a tradition of 1,800 years of uninterrupted meditation practice. The “Oghams” found in the Book of Leinster and Book of Ballymote were lists of the original illustrations, used to analyse the codes engraved on stones.

Manx high cross illustrated

Newgrange orthostat L19 illustrated

Ballintaggart  CIIC160 24 symbols 

Ogham no. 74 Fion’s Window 

Poets in Ireland, Dante in Italy: spreading Christianity with the written word

Did poets of the 13-14th century spread Christianity in Europe with use of the written word? Dante Alighieri revealed the lost history in the Divine Comedy, in Paradise, Canto 6 he described how philosophy moved from Athens to Alba, Scotland:
“When Pallas (Athens) died to give it sovereignty
Thou knowest it made in Alba its abode”

In Ireland the Book of Leinster/Ballymote included the Scholar’s Primer (Auraicept na n-Éces), the Beith-luis-nin alphabet was introduced to replace Ogham and Rune scripts.
Poet Dante Alighieri in Italy wrote an elaborate poem in which several poets participated to promote the message of the Triune God, described in three parts. In Hell the angel of light, Lucifer, was help captive, in Purgatory actions of purification are described and in Paradise Dante described the future destiny of Christians who will find salvation through divine grace.
Throughout Dante precisely copied the structure of the 1,900-year-old system of knowledge illustrated at the site of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth to write his text, the Divine Comedy. He described in detail the hidden history of philosophy  that was lost after Christianity became dominant.
Dante wrote a letter to his patron Cangrande della Scala of Verona in 1319, a year before he finished the text, he described Plato in words which conform that the “unwritten doctrines” were meditation methods based on the 6th sense:
“29. …For we see many things with our mind for which vocal signs are lacking, as Plato tells us well in his books by taking on metaphors, for he saw many things with the light of his mind which he was not able to express in his own words.”
James Marchand of the University of Illinois https://faculty.georgetown.edu/jod/cangrande.english.html

What did the Romans know?

Hadrian rebuilt the Pantheon in Rome following the “mystic numbers of Pythagoras”, which were illustrated in detail on the one master key that was probably used in Europe for many centuries: the Phaistos Disk of Crete. The same numbers were used to design the engravings in Ireland, Pict stones in Scotland and rune stones in Orkney, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The function of the illustrated Gundestrup Cauldron (c. 93-144 AD) as mnemonic device is comparable to the stone basins and engravings of the tomb passages at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth.

Was Hadrian a “philosopher king”
as described by Plato in The Republic?

Plato The Republic: a Buddhist perspective

The Romans also practiced meditation, a history lost when libraries were burnt and texts from antiquity corrupted in an attempt to remove all evidence. Roman emperor Hadrian may be the historical figure that came the closest to the the ideal “philosopher king” as described by Plato in the 10 books of “The Republic” that is saturated with references to terms that are used in formal Buddhist Pali texts.
In the 10 books of The Republic Plato followed step-by-step the symbolism of
 the codes of the first 10 symbols on the Phaistos Disk: a meditation diagram.

Did Hadrian rule the Roman Empire as a philosopher king described by Plato? Image: Hadrian meditates (Petra coin), horsemanship to follow the Buddha’s life as ascetic: hippika gymnasia

Hadrian bust London 122 AD Pantheon “eye of the mind” & section with codes 125 AD

Hadrian Pantheon 125 AD Gundestrup cauldron carbon dating 93-144 AD

Roman “chimera” as described by Plato? Mysteries of Mithras Lion sculpture Rome Ostia Antica c. 190 AD

Newgrange tomb passage: engravings on stones are comparable to Linear B & follow Ogham/rune numbers exactly

Ireland was well known at the end of Hadrian’s reign: mapped with coordinates by Ptolemy of Alexandria c. 140, 

Ogham & Scandinavian rune scripts:
origin as a system of hand signs?

The most intriguing discovery was that the list of  “named oghams” as illustrated in the Book of Leinster and Book of Ballymote of Ireland were diagrams that were changed when copied in Christian monasteries to introduce the new goals of their religion. The “named oghams” were  probably recorded in earlier texts, intended to be used as a guide to decipher the complex engravings found at Newgrange and other sites in Ireland, before it was changed,  The table below is a summary with short definitions of the numbers that can be used to compare the meaning of the  different codes as expressed by the Beith-luis-nin system of Latin letters used by Christians, the Ogham hand signs and the Elder Futhark runes, “ogham of the Norsemen”.

Table of the Beith-luis-nin, Ogham, Rune and Phaistos Disk signs 

The site of the mounds at the Valley of the Boyne in Ireland, the Brú na Bóinne, may have been a learning centre started by early Greek philosophers, the Boii from Delphi in Greece and the Milesians from the city Miletus – the legendary Milesians from Spain who supposedly invaded Ireland. Ireland hardly features in ancient texts, and yet enough information was available collected during the reign of Hadrian for Ptolemy in Alexandria to make an accurate map, including measured coordinates in c. 140 AD.
The “named Oghams” were directly linked to Linear A and B scripts in Greece, there is an inscription on a Pict stone at Newton in Scotland as evidence that Kharosthi texts from India may have reached Ireland and Scotland on birch tree manuscripts in a long tradition of intellectual exchange, comparable to modern universities. The early history of concentration practices was illustrated on thousands of objects in Europe, a history that is not lost, but was only forgotten  after people stopped meditating.

Ogham and Rune stones Distribution map linked to Samos and Miletus in Greece

What did the Romans know?
Clips with animated video-text 

Hadrian rebuilt the Pantheon in Rome using the mystic numbers of Pythagoras. The numbers can be traced to Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Ireland and the Maeshowe cairn in Orkney.
Did  Romans practice “dialectics of philosophy” – the meditation system as quantified in numbers by philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, still famous in the 21st century?

Did Roman soldiers practice meditation?  Coded parade helmets hippika gymnasia found from Syria to Scotland 

Pantheon in Rome: copy of the beam of light in Maeshowe & Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth?

Roman equivalent of massive stone basins in Ireland: the  Gundestrup Cauldron 93-144 AD

Romans: Mysteries of Mithras

If Hadrian reintroduced the dialectics of philosophy based on the meditation system of the Buddha, the numbers as used to design famous objects can be analysed and translated into meaningful messages that quantified votive dedication and could be used as tools for education. – Parade helmets depicting “higher beings” and the ideals of a better rebirth, as described by Plato in dialogues in particular the death scene of Socrates, were used to train Roman cavalry, members meditated in the manmade caves of the Temples of Mithras built from Scotland to Petra in Arabia.

Mystery of Maeshowe Orkney

Did the Gundestrup Cauldron have the same function in the Pantheon of Rome as the massive stone basins in Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth?

Beeswax of the Gundestrup Cauldron was carbon dated to 93-144 AD by the Natmus, silver was identified to come from western France, where the Plougastel-Daoulas engraving contains a long Latin inscription comparable to Ogham and Runes, Osismii Celtic coins illustrated systematic “mental investigation”. German coins were from the area of the Glauberg Prince, the “dancing mannikin coins” illustrated meditation, first minted by Emperor Augustus’ general Agrippa, who first built the Pantheon, Rome. – The Gundestrup Cauldron was designed as a meditation diagram to visually illustrate an overview of the meditation system, with sufficient knowledge the complex internal relationships are revealed to more advanced meditators.

Read more: Gundestrup Cauldron 

Did Agrippa and later Hadrian build the Pantheon of Rome as a meditation diagram?

The general of Emperor Augustus, Agrippa, built the Pantheon in Rome which burnt down and was rebuilt in its present form by Hadrian 117-125 AD. – The entire structure and all decorations in the Pantheon was built according to the Mystic numbers of Pythagoras. When compared the same system of numbers was applied at the Brú na Bóinne in Ireland where sunbeams highlighted meditation methods and concepts, similar to the effects in Maeshowe, Orkney. Instead of subduing their subjects violently, certain Romans ruled through the “hand of friendship”: cooperation based on mutual respect and generosity.

Read More: Mysteries of Maeshowe