Were Linear A and B tablets discovered in Greece phonetic archaic Greek or drawings to illustrate meditation methods?

Secret scripts of Europe:
a trail of evidence

Were ruins in Crete and Mycenae described by 19th-20th century archaeologists as Bronze Age palaces actually learning centres where meditation was taught?

Secret Scripts of Europe: a trail of evidence

Despite attempts to hide the information a red line of knowledge that winds through 1,800 years of European history can still be identified, linking Linear A & B clay tablets in Greece, made from the 6th century BC, to Ogham and Runes in Ireland and Scandinavia, made until the 13th century.

Linear A & B clay tablets: ancient Greek or drawings made in wet clay to teach meditation?

Were ruins in Crete and Mycenae described by 19th-20th century archaeologists as “Bronze Age palaces” learning centres where meditation was taught, still in use until the 4th century? Were the Linear A and B clay tablets – found “in an abundance of ashes” – stored in libraries that also contained texts written in manuscripts of birch bark or papyrus?
Can it still be known what was written in the texts?
Can the secret scripts of Europe still be deciphered by following the trail of evidence left by thousands of objects: Greek Linear A and B clay tablets, Ogham of Ireland and Runes in Scandinavia and the master key: the Phaistos Disk?

Crete Phaistos Disk and, a few inches from it, Linear A clay tablet PH1, the only found in the complex

Crete Knossos Linear B KN Fp 13: illustration of the 6th sense and perception of “dissolution” into space and particles

Abstract symbols from Crete reused in Sweden 1,500 years later

Were the Linear A and B clay tablets discovered in Greece a forgotten dialect of phonetic archaic Greek – or drawings made by teachers to systematically illustrate meditation methods for their students?

On the Phaistos disk 47 images appear in a linear numerical order that  can be used as a master    key to translate objects made during 1,800 years in Europe, from the 6th century BC  during the lifetime of the Buddha (624-544 BC) until the 13th century when thousands of rune stones were made in  Scandinavia.

On the Phaistos disk 47 images appear in a linear numerical order that can be used as a master key to translate objects made during 1,800 years in Europe, from the 6th century BC during the lifetime of the Buddha (624-544 BC) until the 13th century when thousands of rune stones were made in Scandinavia.

Phaisos Disk with 47 images: diagram to illustrate the meditation system taught by the Buddha

Phaistos Disk: 47 Symbols in linear order of appearance by number with equivalent Ogham and Rune symbols

Many images first used to make tiny drawings on Linear A and B tablets discovered in Crete were reused 1,500 years later to make massive engravings on open air rocks to teach the meditation system that was still practiced, unchanged. The large engraved figurative images that tell the main storyline were surrounded by 16 different  symbols of the Elder Futhark Rune alphabet arranged in 12 fields to explain details. Each symbol had a name and a definition to represent an ideogram (definition), described as riddles in rune poems.

Comparison: the small abstract images on the Zakros ZA14 Linear A clay tablet were reused in Sweden 1,500 years later on a massive scale to illustrate an overview of the meditation system as taught by the Buddha.

Linear B Mycenae MY Oe 106: S as snake to illustrate rebirth: Dependent Origination 

Ramsund stone Sweden: Abstract images on the Zakros ZA14 tablet were reused 1,500 years later to illustrate an overview of the meditation system as taught by the Buddha

Symbols expressed as Mathematical Formulas

The mathematical formula – first illustrated on the Phaistos Disk in Crete with the use of simple images and grouped into fields to represent different layers of numbers – was reused on the Ramsund stone in Sweden, combined with images that explain concepts in the meditation system. The dog represents ignorance that will be destroyed by the giant whose head is detached: concentration. Kamma is forged at the anvil, flamed by the burning fire of passion (life), but defilements can be destroyed: the horse eats the tree of life (an-iconic symbol for the Buddha). The meditator hangs from the tree of life – the fruit of his own kamma – observed by the investigating mind, the birds (past & future life); the roots of craving that bounds the meditator to rebirth will be cut with the sword of wisdom carried by the warrior who attacks defilements from his past. The cycle is broken: the meditator will attain liberation and not be reborn in future.

Crete: 12 fields on each edge (Dependent Origination), 32 on side A (32 Marks of a Great Man) and 30 on side B (the meditator’s quest for enlightenment)

Comparison table of the equivalent “secret scripts” of Europe:  Phaistos Disk symbols, Ogham, Numbers, Elder Futhark Runes, Latin BEith-luis-nin in Ireland

Ramsund stone with 16 different runes (Sixteen Vipassanā Insight Knowledges) and 12 fields (Dependent Origination)

A summary of the meaning of the images on the Phaistos Disk: a complex meditation diagram with multiple layers of knowledge – a tool to teach students not limited by language barriers.
Animated text clip, no sound.

The trail of coded objects from Crete to Scandinavia: evidence of the forgotten network of knowledge

The meaning of many northern European objects can be recognised by Images and numbers. The “S” as used on clay tablets represented a snake: rebirth and Dependent Origination (metempsychosis in Greek): to investigate past and future lives. The codes were used in the same order as found on the Phaistos Disk in a kind of “shorthand” to write messages in different countries where different local styles and materials were used for up to 1,800 years, but the symbolic meaning was never changed.

The S and Ƨ and diamond patterns: to illustrate rebirth in samsara

Linear B Mycenae MY Oe 106: S as snake to illustrate rebirth: Dependent Origination 

Gotland stone Sandegårda with S to illustrate rebirth: Dependent Origination

Wheels of Dhamma in Greece
clay tablet Mycenae Linear B and in Ireland Dowth

Clay tablet from Mycenae c. 250 BC and Gotland stone in Sweden c. 8-9th century AD.  Wheels of Dhamma: clay tablet from Knossos in Crete c. 250 BC and  Ireland  Dowth kerbstone 51.

Linear B (c. 250 BC) Knossos KN 894 with coded “wheels of Dhamma”

Ireland Brú na Bóinne, Dowth mound engravings (c. 250 BC) kerbstone 51 with coded “wheels of Dhamma”

Were the Linear A and B clay tablets discovered in Greece a forgotten dialect of phonetic archaic Greek – or drawings made by teachers to systematically illustrate meditation methods for their students?
The same symbols on Linear A and B clay tablets were used on an oversized scale on rocks in Ireland at the mounds of the Brú na Bóinne site: place of the Bóinne.

France Stone (Plougastel-Daoulas): Clay tablets illustrated PDF download here

From Crete to Norway: Langeid Sword of wisdom and axe to cut roots of defilements

The Langeid burial in Norway with “sword of wisdom” and “axe to cut the roots of the tree of life” can be linked to the Labrys double-edged axes and Linear A and B tablets found in Crete, the abstract symbols were used in Newgrange in Ireland on a massive, oversized scale to illustrate observation with the concentrated 6th sense.

Eggja Rune Stone Norway – read more

The “Captain of the Ship” who knows the way

The “ship” illustrated the goal of the meditation system: to cross the ocean of samsara. The meditator can “follow the instructions of the captain of the ship who knows the way”, an expression used in Pali texts. The ship on the Phaistos Disk was turned at an angle to illustrate the action of “investigation and analysis”, the same method was still used to design Viking coins in the 9th century. In Gotland the ship with “the captain who knows the way to cross the ocean of samsara” was a main theme used on standing stones.

Crete: 12 fields on each edge (Dependent Origination), 32 on side A (32 Marks of a Great Man) and 30 on side B (the meditator’s quest for enlightenment)

Teacher panel with coded deer & snake on the Gundestrup Cauldron 93-144 AD

Viking coin Ribe c. 825 AD: theme of the Phaistos Disk Ship turned at 90° and deer as symbol of the Teacher

Gotland abstract face with codes to illustrate meditation methods

Norway Oseberg ship burial, Vang rune stone

Sutton Hoo Ship burial Britain c. 625 AD

Viking trade along ancient trade routes shifted north, trade and study continued until the 13th century

Langeid Sword of Wisdom: symbols used in Newgrange – ’E’, spirals Norway 11th century

Sweden petroglyph Hede: captain of the ships, vehicle to cross the ocean of samsara

When routes via the south were too dangerous visits to India continued via northern trade routes, high quality evidence is found on engraved “Viking swords of wisdom” discovered as far as east as Siberia and Ukraine. The Langeid sword is an extra-ordinary object, its symbols copied from the Newgrange site. The “E”, the spirals and “acrobatic man” bending backwards with 5 hooks refer to 5 clinging aggregates.

Ogham hand signs, Runes and Phaistos Disk illustrated PDF download here

The “secret code”: one series of numbers used repeatedly for 1,500 years on objects, big and small 

 The coded numbers  of the Phaistos Disk were systematically applied to design objects in Europe for 1,500 years. They illustrated the meditation system through the use of abstract visual images (ideograms) that can still be  recognised and analysed. The  wide variety of objects, from small coins of 13 millimetres in size to standing stones of over 2 metres and even life-sized ship burials such as Sutton Hoo in Britain, Oseberg in Norway and Manx can still be translated by using the order of the numbers as illustrated on the Phaistos Disk, the “master key”. The series of numbers is the foundation: the source of knowledge never changed.

Celt votive horse coins minted in Europe c. 50-44 BC to celebrate 500 years after the Buddha

Southern France Elustates horse coin abstract “eye”: 5 clinging aggregates taught by the Buddha

Images from Europe were used in India, Greek god Hercules was illustrated as protector of the Buddha

Symbols were never secret: Philosopher Plutarch (120AD) describes Ogham & Rune definitions in his essay “On the ‘E’ at Delphi”

In 120 AD the Neoplatonic philosopher and priest at Delphi, Plutarch, a collaborator of Hadrian, described in 21 paragraphs the meaning of the Greek letter E, 5th of the Greek alphabet that was found on the facade of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi: “On the’E’ at Delphi”.
The essay is one of the few texts that was not burnt, but similar to the Book of Ballymote the text was changed. The 21 paragraphs of the essay match the definitions of the Ogham and Rune alphabets, still recognisable despite an attempt to corrupt the text.
The letter ‘E’ was used on objects big and small until the 10th century to illustrate the “5 clinging aggregates”. Variations and other symbols with a more subtle meaning, such as the 5 spirals of kerbstone 1 at Newgrange, were used to illustrate the number 5; the ‘E’ at Delphi.

Pythagoras tetractys: “Perfect number 10”, a summary of the meditation system

E at Delphi, 5 clinging aggregates: Ireland stone Ballintaggart, Viking coin with deer and Golden Collar of Möne, Sweden

Ireland Knowth Kerbstone 5, the ‘E’ at Delphi: 5 clinging aggregates

Newgrange kerbstone 1 with 5 spirals: 5 clinging aggregates

Crete to Norway: Langeid Sword of wisdom with the E of Delphi & axe to cut roots of defilements

The forgotten Philosopher’s colony: a Greek learning centre at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Ireland to investigate the cycle of birth, ageing and death

The site of the mounds at the Valley of the Boyne, the Brú na Bóinne in Ireland, may have been a learning centre started by philosophers, the Boii from Delphi in Greece and the Milesians from the city Miletus – the legendary Milesians, sons of Mill from Spain who supposedly invaded Ireland, legends described in the Book of Leinster and Book of Ballymote.
The list of “named Oghams” in the Ogham treatise, that includes the “Younger Futhark, ogham of the Norsemen”, are illustrations that can be used to decipher the codes on hundreds of engravings on the massive rocks, the abstract, oversized symbols resemble that of Linear A and B clay tablets – the original source of gestures and hand signs that were used to teach meditation.
Certain engravings were illuminated by the sun to reveal the working of the “light of wisdom” of the concentrated 6th sense, systematically following methods of the meditation system. An inscription on a Pict stone at Newton, Scotland s evidence that Kharosthi texts from India may have reached Ireland and Scotland on birch tree manuscripts in a long tradition of intellectual exchange, comparable to modern universities.

Brú na Bóinne Ireland: hundreds of engraved stones were illustrated with abstract images that resemble Linear A and B symbols; hand signs

“Named Oghams” listed in the Book of Leinster and Book of Ballymote were summaries to decipher codes on stones

Was the Book of Ballymote created to hide the original history of philosopher Pythagoras: the “one who loved wisdom”?

When objects are compared, ignoring the scrambled information of corrupted histories, a red line of knowledge that started with Pythagoras winds through European history, leaving a concrete and visible trail of evidence. If Pythagoras used scribbles on wet clay tablets to teach students – writing learnt in Babylon in Mesopotamia and hieroglyphs in Egypt – then Linear A and B clay tablets are evidence of meditation techniques originally taught by the Buddha: Dependent Origination, its equivalent metempsychosis in Greek, and the Four Great Elements (earth, water, fire and air) to see objects dissolved into space and particles.

Pythagoras Europe Distribution Map Linear A and B symbols and hand signs as source for Ogham script

Pythagoras tetractys: “Perfect number 10”, a summary of the meditation system

Pythagoras legacy of drawings in clay, source of the hand signs used to design the Ogham alphabet

Is the Ogham of Ireland evidence of the mystic numbers of Pythagoras used until the 13th century, thought to be lost to the world?

The “secret scripts” in Europe were ideograms used to teach students and never meant to be secret. The system of communication through numbers, created in the 6th century BC, was used until the 13th century and forgotten when people stopped meditating.
The Ogham comparison table is evidence of the system based on the mystic numbers of Pythagoras, the main source was the meditation system taught by the Buddha in India, based on a series of numbers. The scripts are comparable to cross-references used in modern academic systems.

What did the Romans know?
Clips with animated text-video

Not all the Romans were the decadent killers described in corrupted ancient texts such as the books of Tacitus and the spurious 5th-century Historia Augusta, used by modern scholars to define the history of antiquity. There is a mass of evidence that Romans who traded with India were also practitioners of meditation for many centuries, ruling from “friendship” rather than force, described by Christian monk Gildas:

 “5. For when the rulers of Rome had obtained the empire of the world, … peace which they made with the Parthians, who border on India, there was a general cessation from war throughout the whole world; the fierce flame which they kindled could not be extinguished or checked by the Western Ocean, but passing beyond the sea, imposed submission upon our island without resistance, and entirely reduced to obedience its unwarlike but faithless people, not so much by fire and sword and warlike engines, like other nations, but threats alone, and menaces of judgments frowning on their countenance, whilst terror penetrated to their hearts.”
– Gildas c. 540 AD, On the Ruin of Britain, Project Gutenberg

Hadrian’s design of the Pantheon in Rome 117-125 AD  using the “mystic numbers of Pythagoras

Hadrian, Mysteries of Mithras and codes on Hippika Gymnasia parade helmets: Crosby Garrett

Gundestrup Cauldron 93-144 AD designed by Hadrian to promote “dialectics of philosophy”?

Did the Gundestrup Cauldron have the same function in the Pantheon of Rome as the massive stone basins in Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth?

Beeswax of the Gundestrup Cauldron was carbon dated to 93-144 AD by the Natmus, silver was identified to come from western France, where the Plougastel-Daoulas engraving contains a long Latin inscription comparable to Ogham and Runes, Osismii Celtic coins illustrated systematic “mental investigation”. German coins were from the area of the Glauberg Prince, the “dancing mannikin coins” illustrated meditation, first minted by Emperor Augustus’ general Agrippa, who first built the Pantheon, Rome. – The Gundestrup Cauldron was designed as a meditation diagram to visually illustrate an overview of the meditation system, with sufficient knowledge the complex internal relationships are revealed to more advanced meditators.

Read More: Gundestrup Cauldron

Mysteries of Mithras

If Hadrian reintroduced the dialectics of philosophy based on the meditation system of the Buddha, the numbers as used to design famous objects can be analysed and translated into meaningful messages that quantified votive dedication and could be used as tools for education. – Parade helmets depicting “higher beings” and the ideals of a better rebirth, as described by Plato in dialogues in particular the death scene of Socrates, were used to train Roman cavalry, members meditated in the manmade caves of the Temples of Mithras built from Scotland to Petra in Arabia.

Read More: Mystery of Maeshowe

Did Agrippa and later Hadrian build the Pantheon of Rome as a meditation diagram?

The general of Emperor Augustus, Agrippa, built the Pantheon in Rome which burnt down and was rebuilt in its present form by Hadrian 117-125 AD. – The entire structure and all decorations in the Pantheon was built according to the Mystic numbers of Pythagoras. When compared the same system of numbers was applied at the Brú na Bóinne in Ireland where sunbeams highlighted meditation methods and concepts, similar to the effects in Maeshowe, Orkney. Instead of subduing their subjects violently, certain Romans ruled through the “hand of friendship”: cooperation based on mutual respect and generosity. 

Read more: text Mystery of Maeshowe