16 pieces of silver and part of an iron ring
were found buried in Denmark, recent carbon dating: made 93-144 AD

Gundestrup Cauldron: a meditation diagram

Was the silver cauldron found in Gundestrup made by the Emperor Hadrian as a votive object to promote peace amongst Celtic tribes who practiced meditation since the 6th century BC?

Was the silver cauldron found buried in Gundestrup in Denmark filled with beeswax recently dated to 93-144 AD made during Hadrian’s reign to promote cooperation between tribes of the Roman Empire? Already an impressive object, it was not yet noticed that the same numbers used on the cauldron – reportedly the mystic numbers of Pythagoras – were also used to design the Pantheon to represent theory about the sixth sense, the “eye of the mind”, essential in the “higher teachings” of the Buddha. In Delphi Plutarch described the same numbers in an essay, “On the ‘E’ at Delphi” that formed the foundation for the Elder Futhark rune alphabet. In this text the numbers, illustrated as visual images, are analysed.

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Gundestrup Cauldron:
a meditation diagram

It was thought that the Gundestrup Cauldron was made between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD, but after a technical investigation initiated by the National Museum of Denmark the beeswax used to fill the images was dated to a window between 93-144 AD that matches the reign of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian in Rome. During this same period the oldest Roman building in existence, the Pantheon in Rome, was rebuilt after it burnt down . The Pantheon has the shape of a giant eye and was designed according to the “mystic numbers of Pythagoras”.

It just so happened that Plutarch, a priest in Delphi, an author of popular essays and Neoplatonic philosopher who studied in Athens, wrote an essay with 21 chapters to explain the origins of the ‘E’, the 5th letter in the Greek alphabet: “ON THE ‘E’ AT DELPHI”.

Using these details as a lead an investigation was done by following the details in the technical report of the National Museum of Denmark, where sixteen silver pieces of the Gundestrup Cauldron was discovered, buried together with a small piece of an iron ring that was much older. The iron dated back to the 3rd century BC, that matches the period when Ashoka from India sent an envoy with enlightened monks to teach the Buddha’s original system of meditation in Europe.

The wild medley of facts seemed chaotic, until one red line was followed that became the thread that symbolically “showed the path to the centre of the labyrinth”, a common theme in Europe that also happens to represent the essence of the meaning of the cauldron: knowledge of the 6th sense. In addition, the chapters of Plutarch’s essay matched perfectly the definitions of the Elder Futhark rune symbols. The history of the cauldron that unfolded resembles a modern bestseller of popular fiction or even worse – a conspiracy theory – there seems to be an alternative version of European history that matches facts that are stranger than any popular fiction. The true details of the cauldron’s origins seem like a far-fetched storyline that was designed to have the potency of bestselling modern books.

The true legacy of the Gundestrup cauldron is found in its details. Based on a complex series of numbers that are clearly identifiable the cauldron’s function was as an illustration of a meditation diagram that explains the complexity of techniques originally taught by the Buddha Gotama in India, using images that goes beyond the limitation of language. Neither the Romans (or a large portion of them, to be more precise) nor the Vikings of Scandinavia were the ruthless thieves and murderers described in texts that survived the burning of libraries after antiquity. The surviving texts were all copies made in Christian monasteries where details were changed to serve a new political agenda, in addition these texts were interpreted by modern scholars with a 20th-century cultural approach – against the backdrop of two world wars and a lack of knowledge about meditation practices.

To summarise the history, beautifully illustrated on the Cauldron:
A summary of the cauldron’s broader history includes both practical and concrete historical facts and an overview of a philosophical system that had at its core peace, beautifully illustrated on the cauldron’s panels. If the carbon dating was correct the Gundestrup cauldron was designed by a group of influential Romans who cooperated with local tribes from Petra in Arabia (city of cave-dwellers described by Plutarch in Moralis, Obsolescence of Oracles) to the locals living at the Maeshowe tomb in Orkney, Scotland. Cooperation included Celtic and Germanic tribes, it included the Scandinavian Goths, who were expert metal workers who lived in Thrace where the cauldron was made. The cauldron’s origins can be traced through both the images (compare faces with the Celtic Prince of Glauberg and Celtic coins) and analysis of the silver, the cauldron’s origins point towards various regions where Hadrian served in the legions of the Roman military. Different tribes must have donated votive coins in a joint project to promote peace in a project initiated by Hadrian, the joint attempts were successful – for nearly a hundred years there were very few wars in the Roman Empire.

Embedded in the Cauldron’s images are a collection of details that leaves one stunned at the expertise and knowledge of those who made the cauldron: both technical and in the evidence of their knowledge about meditation practices. The 5 inner panels have the same meaning as the 5 rings found in the dome of the Pantheon and, surprisingly, its main reference will be the ‘E’ at Delphi – 5th number of the Greek alphabet – described by Neoplatonic philosopher and priest of Delphi, Plutarch, who cooperated with Hadrian. The 7 outer panels explain the Seven Stages of Purification that summarise the meditation system of the Buddha, including details embedded into symbols that explain the steps taken by advanced meditators that will lead to final liberation.

In the text (download pdf file below) the cultural background of tribes from France and central Germany who cooperated with Hadrian are described. The illustrated silver panels reveal details about the cauldron that is best described as a meditation diagram that was designed to explain the meditation system without the need of a common language, the knowledge was explained with visual symbols that goes beyond time or space. The Gundestrup Cauldron is a meditation diagram that explains, in detail, the meditation system originally taught by the Buddha Gotama in India in the 6th century BC, followed by Pythagoras and taught buy a long lineage of teachers during a period that lasted 1,700 years, when the final rune inscriptions were made in Scandinavia.

People stopped meditating due to conditions that changed, their oral histories were rewritten by newcomers who deliberately twisted the history to appear to be mythology and a mere fantasy. In Europe people collectively forgot that meditation was ever practiced, despite thousands of artefacts that still bear witness to advanced knowledge of the meditation techniques. Precious objects like the Gundestrup Cauldron, the golden collars of Ålleberg, Möne and Färjestaden and the golden hats found in Germany and France were buried by their protectors who were almost certainly advanced practitioners of meditation, with the aspiration that they will be rediscovered and that the message of peace illustrated on the cauldron will still be understood, for the benefit and happiness of the people.

Read/download the original text, richly illustrated, by clicking the button: PDF File link Google Drive 28 MB LostLinksGundestrupCauldron250521 (99 pages)

Download PDF file: Gundestrup Cauldron a meditation diagram

Gundestrup Cauldron: 17 pieces found buried together

1 piece of iron ring: to cut the cycle of life 
16 silver pieces total: Sixteen Vipassanā Insight Knowledges
3 pieces of silver of outer edge: Three Trainings (ethics, concentration, wisdom)
Outer division of the cauldron into 8: to follow the Eightfold Noble Path, 1 empty panel – liberation from rebirth
1 central panel 6th sense: how to cut the roots of craving for sensual attachment (bull)
12 silver panels total: 12 Dependent origination factors
7 outer panels: Seven Stages of Purification
5 inner panels: 5 clinging aggregates (taught by all the Buddhas) 

Gundestrup Cauldron teacher panel:
the series of essential numbers was illustrated on panels expressed by “Bodhi tree” leaves

Gundestrup Cauldron:
a meditation diagram

Was the Gundestrup Cauldron designed as a project to promote peace by Emperor Hadrian and philosopher-priest Plutarch to reintroduce the dialectics of philosophy (meditation practices), first taught by Pythagoras in Europe, but based on the meditation system taught by the Buddha in the 6th century BC? Pythagoras (c. 580–500 BC) was a contemporary of the Buddha Gotama (c. 624 – 544 BC) in India. The Cauldron was designed around the 1-2nd century as a visual diagram to explain the meditation system without the need for language, the system is similar to that described in Pali texts, the diagram illustrated on the Cauldron formed the intellectual foundation of the Scandinavian rune alphabets. The silver Cauldron was finally disassembled and carefully buried in Denmark after a thousand years.

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Mysteries of Mithras
and the quest of the cauldron

This short video with animated text (no sound) is a visual accompaniment to texts found on www.lostlinksofbuddhism.com and www.settiwessels.com

Was Mithras the symbol of Stoic philosophers who meditated in “manmade caves” in Rome? The meaning of Mithraism that originated in Rome (thought to be a deity from Persia) in the second century AD is still a mystery, but with an analysis of all elements of the tauroctony (where Mithras sacrifices a bull) from a meditation perspective there is a seamless match with the system of meditation techniques originally taught by the Buddha Gotama in India.
The suffering of repeated birth, ageing and death can be overcome by cutting the roots of attachment to sensuality symbolised by the bull, symbol of sensual attachment and the an-iconic symbol used for the luxury life as a prince of the Buddha-to-be. The 7 stages of initiation of Mithras were aligned with Seven Stages of Purification, which were illustrated on the Gundestrup Cauldron that was made between 94-143 AD, according to recent carbon dating: during the reign of Roman Emperors Trajan and Hadrian. During the same time the Pantheon was built in Rome – a larger-than-life three-dimensional meditation diagram in the shape of “an eye to see the Truth” about the 6th sense, the mind’s eye. The ideas that bind these famous objects together were described by philosopher-priest Plutarch in Delphi in his essay “On the ‘E’ at Delphi”.
The design of the Pantheon, the Gundestrup Cauldron and the Mysteries of Mithras seem to be linked: launched by Hadrian as projects to promote peace in the Roman Empire by promoting the practice of meditation techniques: the dialectics of philosophy.

Texts that describe the lost links of Buddhism in Europe:
Gundestrup Cauldron: a meditation diagram ● (Did Pythagoras make the Phaistos disk? ● Mystery of Maeshowe Orkney ● Golden Collars of Sweden and the ‘E’ at Delphi ● Etruscan symbols universal language of the heart

All contents is the personal view of the author

Read more: Meditation

Documentary: Sketch of an Excellent Man

Documentary: a master meditation teacher describes the meditation system still taught unchanged after 2,500 years
Original source where the techniques are still taught both as theory (Abhidhamma) and as meditation techniques (Samatha-Vipassanā):

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